Determining Obligations under the
Indiana Workers Compensation Act
The Claims Department is responsible for determining the obligations of Plan members under the Indiana Workers Compensation Act. In order to provide timely and equitable claims service to IPEP members, agents and employees in we adhere to these guiding principles:
Non-Adversarial Approach - Workers Compensation is a no-fault benefit delivery system. We work to gain the trust and confidence of the injured employee and his or her family, the IPEP member and the authorized medical professional.
Early Intervention - Appropriate investigation is conducted to identify serious losses. Early recognition of a serious claim aids us in providing appropriate medical care and establishing the proper reserve.
Minimize and Assess the Extent of Disability / Impairment - We direct the best care available to achieve quality treatment outcomes and early return to work.
Claim Disposition - We provide appropriate claims management and treatment plans, enabling efficient closure of each claim.
Cost Containment - Control of costs is achieved through early intervention, prompt claims management and open communication with the injured worker, IPEP member and medical providers.
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