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News & Info

Plan Deductibles and Health Savings Account (HSA) Reminders
Plan Deductibles Your deductible was reset to $0 January 1. All plans cover preventive care at 100%. Unless your medical visit is billed...

Telehealth Offers Convenient Alternative to Office Visits
You might not realize it, but your smartphone is part of a healthcare revolution. Telehealth is making communication between doctors and...

Essential Anthem Updates / Download the Sydney App
Anthem is updating their system platform. With this update, you should have received a new Anthem ID card in the mail. This card has your...

IPEP Employee Benefits Team…On the Road Again!
The Employee Benefits Team starts their busy season for conferences this month. Please come visit us at one of the following locations to...

Health Insurance Renewal Time
Now is the time for many municipalities to get a quote for health insurance. Anthem and IPEP have teamed up and created a health plan...

Winter Hazard Awareness Contest
We’re having a contest and we want to hear from you! How do you prepare your department for winter safety? This may include written plans,

IPEP Winter Hazards Information & Written Programs
Winter Hazards Review and emphasize this information with your department to keep them safe and injury-free this winter. Written Programs...

IPEP Winter Training Tools
Winter Training Tools IPEP’s Risk Management Team has provided training resources to enhance your winter hazard safety program. Don't...

SuperVision® Driver Monitoring Services
EMC partners with SuperVision to give you discounted access to their MVR and driver monitoring services. This subscription can help make...

Workplace Violent Event Response Coverage
EMC now offers a new workplace violent event response coverage as an optional endorsement on general liability policies in most states.*...

Take Advantage of Staff Training for Schools
EMC wants to make it easy for your school clients to conduct the staff training needed to prevent losses. That’s why we’ve partnered with...

Safety Solutions Online
IPEP now offers Safety Solutions Online to help streamline important efforts related to safety training development and compliance...

IDEM Continuing Education Credits
Earn up to 10 IDEM continuing education credits through IPEP’s online webinar program. By simply taking the online course and completing...

Mowing Near Embankments and Drop-Offs
Its summertime in Indiana and the grass is growing like weeds! Well, hopefully not like weeds but you get my drift. When it comes to...

Michael Bowditch Celebrates with IPEP for 30 years of service.
IPEP is excited to celebrate its 30th Anniversary this year by interviewing a few of the key members, long standing agents and...

2019 IERC Early Registration
With over 40 breakout sessions spanning over a four day period, the 2019 Indiana Emergency Response Conference will host leaders and...

IPEP Welcomes the Big I to Their New Home in Carmel
IPEP President, Frank T. Short along with PRU representatives, Patrick Downey, Craig Barnhart and Sophia Bishop hosted lunch for the Big...

IPEP Celebrates 30 years as Josh Estelle Reviews his time with Indiana Public Employers Plan
IPEP is excited to celebrate its 30th Anniversary this year by interviewing a few of the key members, long standing agents and...

IPEP is at the ILMCT Conference Booth 102 and 104
Bob and Celina are at the ILMCT conference today and tomorrow in booths 102 and 104. Please come see us for all your IPEP health...

IPEP Online Training System
IPEP introduced our online safety resource system in January. The system helps streamline safety training development and compliance...
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