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Scott County - 2019 Safety Grant Recipient Testimonial

"We are very pleased to be able to update our safety equipment in Scott County due to the IPEP grant award. Within this small community and many budget restraints it isn’t always possible to have the equipment necessary to always perform our jobs in the safest manor. However, thanks to this wonderful opportunity to apply for the IPEP grant we will be ordering several new items for all the Scott County Highway Employees to not only help with visibility while working on the roads but to provide safety as well. Thank you again for the opportunity."

-Scott County Review


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IPEP is an Indiana not-for-profit corporation organized in December 1989. Its purpose is to operate a self-funded group program for the purpose of satisfying the obligations of the members under the Indiana Workers' Compensation Act, the Indiana Workers' Occupational Diseases Act and the Indiana Employers' Liability Act. Membership in IPEP is limited to political subdivisions and governmental entities of the State of Indiana.

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